So, while I've not been a huge fan of him, I have been watching more of his videos lately because, like you said, he does seem to offer a reasonable explanation in the way he describes various things, his opinions, etc. I think he pretty much makes that sort of thing clear in most of his videos. Just don't ever believe that QB's massive carry games are because the player is skilled or made smart plays.Īs far as various players having a lucky game, I think Quickybaby made that point clear, saying that it was not a good thing to do for the team but it just turned out into an interesting replay.

I also like the way he words his opinions on the game (not that I always agree with them), but they are always well thought out and get his point across. I will concede that things like his settings guide and patch notes videos are pretty informative. QB generally doesn't know what he's talking about and most of the videos on his channel are 1-in-1,000,000 games where someone doing something dumb turned out insanely lucky.